International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exercise

Ralf Jäger 1Chad M Kerksick 2Bill I Campbell 3Paul J Cribb 4Shawn D Wells 5Tim M Skwiat 5Martin Purpura 1Tim N Ziegenfuss 6Arny A Ferrando 7Shawn M Arent 8Abbie E Smith-Ryan 9Jeffrey R Stout 10Paul J Arciero 11Michael J Ormsbee 12 13Lem W Taylor 14Colin D Wilborn 14Doug S Kalman 15Richard B Kreider 16Darryn S Willoughby 17Jay R Hoffman 10Jamie L Krzykowski 18Jose Antonio 1


Position statement

The International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) provides an objective and critical review related to the intake of protein for healthy, exercising individuals. Based on the current available literature, the position of the Society is as follows:
