12)Poult Sci. 2020 Nov; 99(11): 5907–5914.

Intestinal starch and energy digestibility in broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with α-amylase

  1. Aderibigbe,A. Cowieson,J.O. Sorbara, and O. Adeola,1


Dietary starch is the major energy source for broiler chickens; therefore, relevant information on its intestinal utilization is important. The present study was designed to evaluate intestinal starch and energy digestibility of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with α-amylase. A total of 240 day-0 male broiler chicks were randomly assigned to 3 nutritionally adequate corn-soybean–based experimental diets comprising 3 levels of α-amylase supplementation (0, 80, or 160 KNU/kg diet). Each treatment comprised 8 replicate cages of 10 birds each. At day 21 after hatching, digesta was collected from 4 intestinal sites: the anterior jejunum (AJ), posterior jejunum (PJ), anterior ileum (AI), and posterior ileum. Increasing α-amylase supplementation linearly improved (P < 0.01) overall BW gain and feed efficiency of the birds. There were linear and quadratic (P < 0.01) responses of increasing α-amylase supplementation on starch and energy digestibility at the PJ and AI. The total tract digestibility of starch increased (P < 0.05) with increasing α-amylase supplementation. Starch disappearance and digestible energy (kcal/kg) linearly increased (P < 0.01) with digesta flow from the AJ to PJ as dietary α-amylase supplementation increased. There were linear (P < 0.01) and quadratic (P < 0.05) effects of increasing α-amylase supplementation on the villus height in the jejunum. The viscosity of the jejunal digesta decreased (P < 0.05) with increasing dietary α-amylase supplementation. The results from this study showed the efficacy of exogenous amylase in improving growth performance and starch and energy digestibility in broiler chickens. Furthermore, the digestibility of starch and energy and the impact of the exogenous amylase were higher at the PJ than other intestinal sites.